Monday 23 November 2015

Gum Problems

Most People will experience gum problems at least once in their life. Gum disease is a very common condition where the gums become swollen, sore or infected.

If you have gum disease, your gums may bleed when you brush your teeth and you may have bad breath. This stage of gum disease is known as gingivitis. If gingivitis is not treated, a condition called periodontitis can develop. This affects the tissues that support teeth and hold them in place. If periodontitis is not treated, the bone in your jaw can resorb and small spaces can open up between the gum and teeth. Your teeth can become loose and may eventually fall out.

Causes of gum disease
Gum disease is caused by a build-up of plaque on the teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance that contains bacteria, which forms when you eat and drink.
Some bacteria in plaque are harmless, but some are very harmful for the health of your gums. If you do not remove plaque from your teeth by brushing them, it will build up and irritate your gums, leading to redness, swelling and soreness.
See your dentist
You should make an appointment to see your dentist if your gums are painful, swollen or if they bleed when you brush your teeth. Your dentist can carry out a thorough dental examination to check the health of your gums, which may involve inserting a thin metal stick with a bend in one end (periodontal probe) between your teeth and gums to take depth measurement. In some cases, a number of x-rays may be needed to check the condition of your teeth and jaw bone.
In most cases, your dentist or dental hygienist will be able to give your teeth a thorough clean and remove any hardened plaque (tartar). They will also be able to show you how to clean your teeth effectively to help prevent plaque building up in the future.
Complications of gum disease
If you have untreated gum disease that develops into periodontitis, it can lead to further complications, such as:
•    gum abscesses (painful collections of pus)
•    receding gums
•    loose teeth
•    loss of teeth
If you have an increased risk of developing gum problems – for example, if you smoke or have diabetes – you may be advised to visit your dentist more often so your teeth and gums can be closely monitored.
It is important to have regular dental check-ups so that any problems with your teeth and gums can be detected and treated early.

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